
“There are modern devices and software that make our work easier and more efficient. What I particularly like is the varied and diverse range of assignments; every day brings new challenges and exciting projects. The management sets a good example and maintains an open and friendly relationship with all employees. This creates a positive working […]


“Terhalle attaches great importance to ensuring that employees can continuously expand their knowledge and skills. Another advantage here is the flat hierarchies and the associated opportunities for promotion. Terhalle is always two steps ahead in its industry, which not only creates an exciting work environment, but also offers the opportunity to contribute new ideas and […]


“As a training manager, I particularly appreciate the lively exchange with our trainees. The variety of activities at Terhalle ensures that no two days are the same. The close contact and good teamwork are another reason why I like working at Terhalle. We support and complement each other.”


“As a carpenter, I am proud to work in a profession that combines my passion for creativity and precision.”


“The work environment is friendly and respectful. It’s encouraging to see our team grow together and succeed together.”


“The ergonomic design of my work environment in production has a noticeable impact on my comfort at work and my health. Thanks to ergonomic workstations and workflows, I can work more efficiently while improving my well-being at work.”


“I appreciate the opportunities for advancement that Terhalle provides, whether it’s through internal training, continuing education programs, or assistance with external training and certifications.”


“The cohesion in our team is just super. There is a positive atmosphere where you feel comfortable and appreciated. One of the things I particularly like here is the opportunity to work independently. This allows us to use our skills and potential to the fullest and makes us feel like an important part of the […]


“Above all, I appreciate the flexibility that is offered to me. Here I have the possibility to adapt my work to my individual needs. The working atmosphere is characterized by open and respectful interaction. Here, the principle of working at eye level is really lived. At Terhalle, there is a strong emphasis on treating all […]